Dermatology by Daris

DARIS BIOCARE is committed to continually provide competitive quality products to our customers in Dermatology Segment with our new division called Nushine-Dermatology, while catering to their ever changing needs in the health care environment.

Temporary Skin conditions

a close up of acne on a persons right cheek


One of the most widespread skin conditions, acne comes in many forms.

  • Pustules are the common red pimples that have pus at their tips.
  • Papules are the raised red bumps caused by infected hair follicles.
  • Nodules are the painful lumps that lie underneath the surface of the skin.
  • Cysts are the typically larger painful, pus-filled infections that lie beneath the skin.

All types of acne are commonly treated with creams, and sometimes medication is necessary.


Hives are itchy welts that are raised up from the normal layer of the skin. They may be caused by an allergic reaction in the body or outside factors, such as stress, illnesses, or even tight clothes. Hives are treated with antihistamines and preventive practices.



The common raised bumps on the skin known as warts are actually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are contagious, and can appear on any part of the body.

Common warts typically grow on the hands, feet, and joints, though they can appear anywhere. They often go away on their own, though unsightly warts can be treated with liquid nitrogen or medicated creams.

Fungal nail infection

A condition in which fungus lives near, under, and around the nails, usually in the feet. The fungal buildup causes the nail’s edges to crumble away, producing white-yellowish scaling and flaking on the surface of the nails.

Treatment is usually an anti-fungal cream or other fungal treatment.

Cold sore

A cold sore is a red, fluid-filled blister usually found near the mouth. The sore itself is painful or delicate. Other symptoms include itching or burning sensations on the site before the sore is visible.